I don’t have to tell anyone how the coronavirus COVID-19 has disrupted markets, caused massive layoffs and financial losses, and contributed to panic, fear, and economic instability and hardship across the globe. Ironically, the panic has been no where worse than in the United States, a country blessed with obscene economic property with no real need for panic, except that it is now a country full of angry, ungrateful, suspicious, selfish human beings
Read MoreSorghum is one of the most ancient human foods. Endemic to Africa, it was likely one of the very first foraged and cultivated cereal crops. Sorghum is not at all popular in Western societies, to their detriment, as sorghum has many healthful properties which can be used to restrain metabolic illness and promote health and wellness.
Read MoreEver since recovering from cancer I have only gotten sick twice—a cold once and a more serious viral throat infection which took about a week to fully resolve. But in spite of having been recently very ill with cancer and thyroid disease, before and during which I would catch the flu every year and which took near a month each time to fully recover, I have not gotten it once since recovering. This is no accident, as some of the various techniques I use to help improve my own health
Read MoreWhen I was fifteen years of age and struggles with my parents began to reach a fever pitch, my mother one day came into my room after a row and told me she was afraid I would not be able to provide for a family when I grew up. She was not concerned about an abundance of employment opportunities or the decreasing trend in wages compared to inflation and the const of living..
Read MoreOne night when I was still fairly new to Los Angeles I attended the premier of a friends’ comedy show. If I had known then that making friends with aspirational actors would be a liability to my happiness I would gladly have altered course in this time of my life (people whose purpose in life is to “make it” do not make good friends).
Read MoreNitrates and nitrites are nitrogenous compounds which occur in most foods. Our body uses them to produce nitric oxide but, as I discuss frequently in my book, excess nitric oxide can contribute to a whole host of metabolic problems from erectile dysfunction to hair loss and even cancer.
Read MoreI LOOOVE enchiladas. So. Much. If they are on the menu I am ordering them. Especially because making enchiladas at home can be a time consuming project. But when you’re eating at a restaurant foods made with corn are probably non-organic which will usually contain toxic glyphosate and other pesticides, and the corn may not even be properly processed to make it digestible—
Read MoreA few years ago I struck up a short friendship with a great straight guy. He was extremely handsome, affable, and drew the attention of everyone who laid eyes on him. It was a surprising friendship, as while most straight men are great people it’s not common for them to be so open and willing friends with gay guys. Not that it really should be—
Read MoreMy lovely sister bought me an early Christmas present—a box set of the first three illustrated Harry Potter books, which arrived yesterday, which I promptly opened to begin reading before bed. I had never read Harry Potter, but I had seen the movies. When I saw the first movie back in 2001 when I was twenty-one, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, I didn’t like it one bit. I thought it was childish, silly, melodramatic, and frankly just not very good world-building.
Read MoreAs soon as I got home from a trip to visit my family I promptly fell asleep for sixteen hours straight, waking only once to pee and take a bite of an apple. I have spent so many years around people who are intensely afraid of everything, and I can hardly bear it anymore and was totally drained. Humans are an incredibly fearful animal. Perhaps it is our position halfway between the prey and the predators. Perhaps it is our superstitions. Perhaps there really is much to be afraid of.
Read MoreButternut squash is never the hero of any meal. Which is a shame because it is an extremely healthy food which can be shaped well if paired with the right ingredients. The problem is that butternut can be easily overpowered by other ingredients. Even an onion can turn a wonderful squash into something which you just don’t want to have more than a few bites.
Read MoreLike most people in Western societies at this time of year I will be traveling to visit my family, and like a great portion of these people I found myself experiencing some intense anxieties about my upcoming trip which were making my daily life at the moment a bit unbearable
Read MoreThere are few pleasures in life as wonderful as Chocolate Chip Cookies. Because of my gluten allergy I did not have them for an entire decade unless they were made with awful gluten-free flour, which usually makes things like cookies taste like cardboard.
Read MoreOh pizza. Without you my life would be empty. And it was. For nearly a decade I almost never had pizza on account of my allergy to gluten. As I explain in my book the allergy to gluten is very specific to certain types of grains, and if you’ve spent any time on this site you know how grateful I am for heirloom grains like spelt, einkorn, and kamut, which bring wonderful bready goodness into my life. Pizza is NOT hard to make at home…
Read MoreI often joke that I am the very first millennial. Supposedly the birth years which include millennials are 1981 to 1996. That would technically put me two months before the cutoff date, and cutoffs for such esoteric characterizations of these generational descriptors is just as absurd as their genesis. One of the very real hallmarks of the so-called millennial generation is having been the very first generation to grow up playing video games.
Read MoreMy DSLR I thought was broken actually works, so I tried to take a macro picture of the hair regrowth I have going on. It’s really hard to do such a thing on your own, lol, but it turned out pretty good, even showing the beads of sweat that resulted. It’s hard to tell now where the old hair line was, since so many of the border hairs have now matured, but you can see all the new anagen hairs which have spread across the hair loss field.
Read MoreWho doesn’t love pudding? Well—American pudding has been a staple ever since the second World War, when industrial food production kicked into high gear. Puddings are traditionally foods which are steamed or boiled, and could be sweet or savory, and what Americans refer to as pudding is actually a custard, or supposed to be a custard
Read MoreFrittata has one of the highest impressiveness to effort ratios of any dish. It takes no time to put together, but looks like it took hours and can easily feed several people. It has all the characteristics of a soufflé, omelette, and scramble in one easy-to-make dish.
Read MoreMost people think of chicken as being a healthy dish. And they would be wrong. Mostly. Chicken is fine, but because chickens are usually fed diets which include soy and corn and do not have digestive systems which convert bad fats into healthier types, the way that
Read MoreThe term feminism today generates as much or more anger and controversy as any other political topic. It immediately conjures images of Jane Fonda advocating for peace way back during the Vietnam war or topless female protestors marching in New York, Washington D.C., and London, feminist slogans painted across their naked skin. Recently I fell, innocently, into a YouTube hole…
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