The Blog
It has been a full decade now since I began my descent out of near death experience with cancer…although I would come to find out years later it wasn’t really cancer that nearly killed me, but the fact that I also had cystic fibrosis which is a disease that affects immunity and electrolyte transport (this is not the deadliest cause mentioned in the title…keep reading),
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Utah is about to become the very first state in the USA to ban fluoridation of public water. But I’m not mad about this. To understand why, it first helps to understand exactly what the facts are about fluoridation and oral health. Fluoridation of water is praised by the CDC as being “one of the 10 greatest public health interventions of the twentieth century.” But the CDC also says that water fluoridation only reduces childhood cavities rate by about 25%.
In 2014 when I first found out there were five tumors on my thyroid gland it was a great relief. I had been struggling mightily with my health for several years, been to five different doctors, and this was the first time any of them had gotten any tangible test results and not the rapidly tiring, “you have elevated white blood cells, but you’re fine.” At the same time it seemed like it might be too late. Five tumors?
Ever since recovering from cancer I have only gotten sick twice—a cold once and a more serious viral throat infection which took about a week to fully resolve. But in spite of having been recently very ill with cancer and thyroid disease, before and during which I would catch the flu every year and which took near a month each time to fully recover, I have not gotten it once since recovering. This is no accident, as some of the various techniques I use to help improve my own health
Seafoods are sources of nutrients like strontium, iodine, and bromine which can’t as easily be found as abundantly in terrestrial foods. This is because many elements are highly water soluble and collect in runoff, ending up in the ocean and lakes. Specifically, mollusks like clams, oysters, and mussels can be very high in B12, zinc, strontium, selenium, and bromine.
Salad has become such a polarizing food these days it can’t be discussed without also discussing various health and dietary ideologies along with it. Often used as a substitute for other foods when people on are restrictive diets, salad is (or can be) a very useful and delicious way to get the healthy nutrition we require as human beings.
*articles are not kept up to date, they also assume a broader knowledge of all relevant information to the human body as discussed in Fuck Portion Control the book and are not meant to be comprehensive on their own
Since the dawn of civilization mankind has been plagued by sociopolitical conflict, corruption, and other problems borne from the very institutions which help organize and shape society. This occurs because it is human nature to respond to fear and trauma by seeking greater control and resources, so many people strive for riches and power in order to better resist the realities of life (it doesn’t work though, which is why even the rich become old, sick, and deranged).
It has been a full decade now since I began my descent out of near death experience with cancer…although I would come to find out years later it wasn’t really cancer that nearly killed me, but the fact that I also had cystic fibrosis which is a disease that affects immunity and electrolyte transport (this is not the deadliest cause mentioned in the title…keep reading),
Utah is about to become the very first state in the USA to ban fluoridation of public water. But I’m not mad about this. To understand why, it first helps to understand exactly what the facts are about fluoridation and oral health. Fluoridation of water is praised by the CDC as being “one of the 10 greatest public health interventions of the twentieth century.” But the CDC also says that water fluoridation only reduces childhood cavities rate by about 25%.
Having received therapy from about seven different therapists in my life (including couple’s counseling), I was shocked at the age of thirty-six to first learn about the Stephen Karpman “Drama Triangle” model of trauma and conflict psychology because it is a well established and accepted model that not a single therapist had ever mentioned or even addressed it in any of our sessions.
While my family was never wealthy growing up, from my teenage years and on we lived in communities that could comfortably be described as upper-middle class. My father was a talented architect and general contractor, and aside from a brief detour pursuing his lifelong dream of having a restaurant his business consisted mostly of building homes on spec, meaning there was no buyer at the outset, then selling those homes once they were finished…
One reality of life that many people are not aware of is that things we think happened a long time ago did not, in fact, happen a long time ago. When I was a child (like around six or seven) and saw old movies or TV shows in black and white I literally thought that people somehow only saw in black and white back then and that somehow we had color in our modern life, having never been told how film and television actually work.
Saying the last decade has been chaotic is quite the oversimplification, as many of us have been through quite a lot of stress, upheaval, loss, and inconvenience. Several years prior to the pandemic my life fell apart as I became sick with cancer, abandoned by the love of my life, and began recovery from alcoholism and addiction. Yet even in the midst of that tumult I naively thought every year that good times must be just around the corner,
In 2016 the campaign slogan of the disastrous Hilary Clinton ticket was “I’m with Her.” While it would have been nice to finally have a woman in the White House I was not even a little bit surprised when Trump won the Presidency, but to this day Hilary Clinton refuses to accept any responsibility for her loss to Trump, which is especially egregious considering she actively funded his campaign
Diet is a complex topic with as many opinions as there are foods to eat, and part of the problem is deciding what is food and what is not food or, more specifically, what is appropriate for the human diet. Because of our long history of agriculture our ancestors have bred a long list of unique plants and animals which do not actually exist in nature which provide plenty of available nutrition for our needs as human beings...
Many years ago when I used to go to the gym there was one lifter who was apparently quite wealthy (and extremely insecure), who would park his Maserati on the curb out front instead of in a parking spot like a normal person, and was so roided out that his skin was literally purple from the lack of circulation. Obviously this kind of behavior originates from severe psychological trauma and feeling like he needed to compensate for many things and be big and rich enough to defend against any potential threats in his life, but while there are a few medically appropriate scenarios to use steroids, getting large muscles from their use is extremely harmful.
In 2014 when I first found out there were five tumors on my thyroid gland it was a great relief. I had been struggling mightily with my health for several years, been to five different doctors, and this was the first time any of them had gotten any tangible test results and not the rapidly tiring, “you have elevated white blood cells, but you’re fine.” At the same time it seemed like it might be too late. Five tumors?
As I neared the end of my twenties I began having very disturbing dreams and nightmares from which I would wake breathless and bewildered, and seemingly normal situations which for others might produce maybe a little anxiety would leave me wracked with crippling and debilitating panic. For instance when I was twenty-seven I was invited to a vacation on Fire Island…
In spite of my best efforts I caught COVID two, maybe three times during the pandemic. It was not fun but my symptoms only lasted less than 48 hours. Why? Because as a research scientist I already knew quite a bit about viruses and immunity and used several tools explained in my article “IMPROVING RESISTANCE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND OTHER VIRAL INFECTIONS”
Seafoods are sources of nutrients like strontium, iodine, and bromine which can’t as easily be found as abundantly in terrestrial foods. This is because many elements are highly water soluble and collect in runoff, ending up in the ocean and lakes. Specifically, mollusks like clams, oysters, and mussels can be very high in B12, zinc, strontium, selenium, and bromine.
One theme which permeates my work is the element sulfur. I haven’t written very many articles in the blog section about sulfur because, in truth, I haven’t until more recently fully understood its purpose in the body and diet. Sulfur is clearly very important for our health and plays many roles in antioxidant function, detoxification, protein synthesis, and immune function
I live in an area of Salt Lake City, Utah which has a significant number of homeless people. There are all different types, from young people with tattoos hanging out and smoking to older men and women sullen and depressed and having a hard time getting around. A few days ago I passed an elderly lady sitting on a broken old chair outside a fast food chain. I gave her some peaches from my grocery bag and then went back into my air conditioned, secure flat…
It is well known the GOP plan for court packing has paid off, and captured the Supreme Court to force their religious ideology on the American people. And while the six Catholic judges currently sitting on the court are the ones who cast the deciding votes there is actually a greater reason why we are even in this situation in the first place which has also promoted the increase in hate crimes, white nationalism, anti-LGBTQI+ hatred, and anti-democratic movements we have been seeing growing in number and severity over the last few years, and it all comes down to Hillary Clinton.
In the 2008 Presidential Elections there was a powerful force at work behind the scenes which helped set the stage for future President Barack Obama’s victory and a complete sweep of congress by the democrats which resulted in a supermajority. One of the most surprising things about this victory was, in fact, the scope, coming off several cycles of Republican dominance it just didn’t seem like there were enough potential democratic voters in the whole country to deliver such a result.
There is a lot to debate about the politics of Ideology and the current Supreme Court’s rightward lurch and decades of political maneuvering by Conservatives to make America’s Institutions serve their agenda. Any institution gets its power not from the top but from the people who support it, and the mistake they have made is that very few people (around 25%) support overturning Roe vs Wade.
Since the dawn of civilization mankind has been plagued by sociopolitical conflict, corruption, and other problems borne from the very institutions which help organize and shape society. This occurs because it is human nature to respond to fear and trauma by seeking greater control and resources, so many people strive for riches and power in order to better resist the realities of life (it doesn’t work though, which is why even the rich become old, sick, and deranged).