Posts in Featured Post
No Such Thing As Sex Addiction

Sex is one of the most prominent themes of human life. Even before we even have sex hormones our lives are dominated by sex, unknowingly born into a world in which the adults are preoccupied and obsessed with sex and and sexual relationships, often abused or traumatized in their own childhoods by yet other adults who themselves were also abused, taught to deplore our bodies, distrust other people, and be ashamed and shame others for sex and sex behavior.

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Fuck Minimum Wage Laws

If we had any politicians with brains, we would not be having these kinds of debates, nor such impassioned struggle for basic rights and privileges of American citizens. Politics takes dealmaking, but many deals are so bad they actively imperil future generations, and politicians who make them should be voted out of office immediately rather than being lauded for bipartisanship or whatever bullshit political rhetoric is currently in vogue.

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First Three Chapters of The Perfect Child

In the Summer of 1998 when I was seventeen I finally found some friends with whom I could be rebellious. It wasn’t my intent to be rebellious, but for most of my teenage years I had associated with a crowd of well-behaved kids from religiously conservative families, because that was expected of me, and they were some of the worst people I have ever met—

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Toxicity of Energy Drinks and the Nature of Amino Acids

Wow, it has been almost six years since I first began this journey back to health and wellness. If you are familiar with my story (my book) you may know about how I contracted cancer and was dealing with alcoholism and the destruction of pretty much everything in my life as it all came crashing down at once. Or maybe more accurately the final culmination of health and wellness problems I’d been having for some time. But things got better once I

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Fear Is Your Enemy

The degree to which we filter our life experience is by magnitudes far greater than we can really comprehend. As a human being we are designed to survive in a world where mortality is real, and can even come from ways as simple as stepping out into the street without looking, or succumbing to an invisible pathogen we never saw coming.

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The True Toxicity Of Chlorine

In the ninth grade I broke my knee during tryouts for for the basketball team. Someone was playing dirty and knock me over, and my knee was the first thing to hit the ground. After surgery it took me nearly a year to recover. But even after all that time I still couldn’t run on it, and I wanted to keep playing a sport (especially one I liked). After some searching I finally decided to join the swimming team.

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How Exercise Promotes Fat Loss

Among the very few problems I have is having to regularly confront people about misconceptions of fat, self worth, and what it really means to be healthy. I never cease to be amazed by the people who think they are awesome just because they are fit, even when failing to demonstrate the most basic of human niceties, let alone traits which are actually admirable such as empathy, intelligence, or humor.

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Universal Wages and the Volatility of Market Capitalism

I don’t have to tell anyone how the coronavirus COVID-19 has disrupted markets, caused massive layoffs and financial losses, and contributed to panic, fear, and economic instability and hardship across the globe. Ironically, the panic has been no where worse than in the United States, a country blessed with obscene economic property with no real need for panic, except that it is now a country full of angry, ungrateful, suspicious, selfish human beings

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Improving Resistance to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Other Viral Infections

Ever since recovering from cancer I have only gotten sick twice—a cold once and a more serious viral throat infection which took about a week to fully resolve. But in spite of having been recently very ill with cancer and thyroid disease, before and during which I would catch the flu every year and which took near a month each time to fully recover, I have not gotten it once since recovering. This is no accident, as some of the various techniques I use to help improve my own health

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Money and Success In This Economy

When I was fifteen years of age and struggles with my parents began to reach a fever pitch, my mother one day came into my room after a row and told me she was afraid I would not be able to provide for a family when I grew up. She was not concerned about an abundance of employment opportunities or the decreasing trend in wages compared to inflation and the const of living..

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Are You Beautiful? (The Answer is Yes)

One night when I was still fairly new to Los Angeles I attended the premier of a friends’ comedy show. If I had known then that making friends with aspirational actors would be a liability to my happiness I would gladly have altered course in this time of my life (people whose purpose in life is to “make it” do not make good friends).

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Mortality, Aliens, and Chocolate Chip Cookies

As soon as I got home from a trip to visit my family I promptly fell asleep for sixteen hours straight, waking only once to pee and take a bite of an apple. I have spent so many years around people who are intensely afraid of everything, and I can hardly bear it anymore and was totally drained. Humans are an incredibly fearful animal. Perhaps it is our position halfway between the prey and the predators. Perhaps it is our superstitions. Perhaps there really is much to be afraid of.

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Kids Don't Like Vegetables. Deal With It.

Several years ago I was on a phone call with one of my sisters. She began venting about how her children were not eating. “What are you feeding them?” I asked. She rambled off several different food items, most of which were vegetables. I began to explain to her why kids don’t like vegetables, and how she could get around it,

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